AlaWeb Your Official On-Line Connection to the State of Alabama
Alabama Department of Industrial Relations' Homepage
Alabama's Job Bank

Jeffco InTouch Jefferson County Web Pages
Mary Buckelew - district County Commissioner

FedWorld Information Network
The White House
The President of the United States
The House of Representatives
The Senate

ZIPPER Just enter your zipcode and you'll find out who your senators and representatives are as well as their addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers. If they're wired, you can send them e-mail or visit their home page.
U.S. Business Advisor
provide business with one-stop access to federal government information, services, and transactions. Our goal is to make the relationship between business and government more productive.
Government Information Xchange (GSA)
to facilitate the assimilation, sharing and dissemination of information resources among federal, state and local governments, and to provide a convenient forum for all levels of government to share and exchange information with businesses and the American public.
A Citizen's Guide to the Treasures of the U.S. Government on the World Wide Web
Government Information Collection
one-stop shop for researching federal government information. Congress, White House, Agency info.
The Jefferson Project
comprehensive directory to politics on-line. If it's political and on-line, it's listed here, from mailing lists to web pages, from the grassroots to the White House.
Weekly Views
site on the Internet where you can register your position on a controversial issue of the week. Guaranteed to be provocative, The Weekly Views presents a short editorial, and encourages readers to contribute viewpoints from a variety of perspectives.
Local Government Home Page
dedicated to providing on-line information for city, county, and state governments, and is brought to you by the collaborative efforts of four non-profit organizations:
The National League of Cities (NLC)
The National Association of Counties (NACo)
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
Public Technology, Inc. (PTI)

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